Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance should I contact a removal company? 
As soon as you are aware of a possible moving date you should contact removal companies and find out if they are available for that date, most companies will take a provisional booking with confirmation expected closer to your date.

How are charges for my move calculated? 
Most companies charge in one of two ways either on an hourly basis or a fixed price after carrying out a free survey at your property.

What time will the removal men arrive?
Your removals team will arrive at a time that is convenient for you, the customer.

How are my goods protected while in transit?
All goods are protected with blanket covers so that delicate or precious surfaces do not get damaged.

I have a lot of hanging garments how will they be transported?
We can supply wardrobe cartons that allow you to transport your hanging garments without creasing.

bcdremovals - Portsmouth - Hampshire P09 5AX